A Washington state legislator has channeled his inner Hans Hollein, proposing the radical adaptive urban reuse of discarded military equipment: turning old aircraft carriers into a new toll bridge for
24 Dec 2014
I found this thing in my desk again last night, and, as you can tell from the date in the image, below, it’s been following me around since 1998 (!).
24 Dec 2014
Many people, especially young students looking at becoming architects and enrolling in an architecture school, often wonder if architecture is an art form. Can they call themselves artists, without too
24 Dec 2014
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has beenLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has
24 Dec 2014
Before anything else, I was saddened yesterday to learn of the passing of Jobst Brandt: Back in the late 20th century, while still deeply in thrall to Fred-dom, I used